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Ayurveda is the 5,000 year old “wisdom of living”, an ancient traditional medical system with roots in India. It defines the human life as an extension of the universal energies and draws its strength from the mindful awareness in handling of daily habits and our interactions with the surroundings, because they are what determine our physical, mental and emotional health. Ayurvedic treatments are aimed at keeping the body channels clean, having a robust metabolism and healthy tissues for optimal physical health. It also helps in creating a balance with the environment and adapting to it with daily, seasonal and age related changes. Ayurveda is one of the oldest, most comprehensive medicine systems in the world which addresses the mind ,body and soul as one entity and encourages a complete sync between all three to help us all live a healthy, joyous and abundant life. Ayurved looks at every person as a unique individual there are no generalisation in terms of treatments hence it is very important to seek the guidance of an expert Ayurvedacharya before taking any herb or treatment.
You may not only use Ayurved to prevent and cure diseases but also use to wisdom to understand and accept yourself for what you are !


According to Ayurvedic Wisdom, the three basic energies that regulate all functions in the body  are present in different concentrations from birth: movement, change and stability (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). If these three "doshas" are in harmony, we live in health and harmony.

A person with predominance of Vata ,( the Energy that regulates all movements in the body) often suffers from dryness, cold, lightness, constipation, pain, anxiety weakness and nervousness.

A person with predominance of Pitta ,( the Energy that regulates all metabolism in the body) is prone to digestion issues, heat, inflammation, skin rashes, hyperacidity and anger.

A person with predominance of Kapha ,( the Energy that regulates the strength and structure  in the body) is prone sluggish metabolism, overweight, phlegm, colds and listlessness.

If you know your constitution, you can harmonize the elements that are out of balance with an appropriate lifestyle – diet tailored to your own type, Ayurvedic massages or other gentle methods. Ayurveda promotes the self-healing powers and creates an inner balance gently and effectively. It shows us how to detoxify and cleanse body and mind, keep ourselves young, strengthen our immune system, experience natural well-being and a happy, fulfilling life. Ayurvedic treatments sensitize and pamper, relax and strengthen, cause a good radiance, as well as smooth movements and increase the zest for life.Ayurveda attaches great importance to individuality, self-responsibility and prevention. It is much more than a gently strengthening healing method - Ayurveda is an art of living!

Lifestyle disorders, Rejuvenation, Musculoskelatal disorders, Skin Diseases , stress, tension, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, poor circulation, low immunity.

Prevents Lifestyle disorders like diabetes, Hypertension,
Liver dysfunction etc.
Provides a revitalising and balancing effect for your body and mind.
Stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic systems
to facilitate the removal of toxins.
Soothes the nervous system and aids the body’s immune system.
Nourishes the skin and deeper tissues of the body.
Provides a relaxing effect, decreasing mental and physical tension.
Increases energy levels and removes fatigue.
Benefits sleep patterns.
Balances all the doshas with a pacifying effect on Vata dosha.


Our team of experienced and certified Ayurvedic physiotherapists is led by DR. RENUKA YADAV who is an Ayurvedacharya and a Panchakarma specialist with over 23 years of experience in treating various health ailments. Her personal quest for knowledge and enlightenment has led her to pursue various modalities of healing. She is a Pranic Healer, a Reiki Grandmaster and a Counsellor. She offers the holistic and honest solutions to all who seek a perfect healthy balance in their lives for out of all of them in her healing sessions. But beyond all, she is a wonderful, humble being who simply loves to nurture. You can also book an appointment with her for a pulse diagnosis, an Ayurvedic consultation, an authentic treatment plan, an energy healing massage.
Our Therapists are well trained ,certificated and experienced. They ensure that our treatment not only meets the highest standards of professional care but also prioritises the well-being and comfort of every guest.



- Body & Mind constitution analysis
  by our Ayurveda expert 30 min.
- Lepanam 30 min.
- Abhyanga massage 60 min.
- Shirodhara 30 min. 
- Ayurvedic detox tea

Total treatment time 2 h 30 min.
(without relaxing time)


€ 199


3 Sessions € 750

Session 1 
- Constitution analysis 
  by an Ayurveda expert 40 min.
- Abhyanga Massage 60 min.
- Herbal Swedana with ozone 20 min.
- Herbal tea for cleansing

Session 2
- Abhyanga Massage 60 min.
- Herbal Swedana with ozone 20 min.
- Nasyam ( Nasal drops for cleansing sinuses) 30 min.
- Oil enema 10 min. 
  (to soften the waste matter stuck
  on the walls of the colon)

Session 3
- Abhyanga Massage 60 min.
- Herbal Swedana with ozone 20 min.
- Kashaya basti 30 min.
  (Decoction enema to cleanse the colon)
- Udhwartanam ( body scrub) 20 min.
- Lepanam ( Herbal body wrap) 20 min.
According to Ayurveda, continuous indulgence in wrong types of food, along with a sedentary lifestyle leads to excess accumulation of body toxins which get deposited in the numerous channels of the body. This condition is also associated with irregular appetite, hypertension, diabetes and many other metabolic disorders. Special programs are included in this short term package to correct irregular metabolism and clear the body's channels. Deep  massages with herbal oils and powders, detoxıfyıng treatments with specific herbal preperations, wıth ozone therapy etc., help mobilize and eliminate  accumulated toxins. Along with these procedures, appropriate Panchakarma therapies are also advised by physicians based on individual requirements.

Eliminate toxins, improve your immunity, soothe your tired nerves and feel better than you have felt in years!


3 Sessions € 900

Session 1
- Constitution analysis 
  by an Ayurveda expert 30 min.
- Abhyanga Massage 60 min. 
- Pizhichil (oil Bath) 30 min.
- Herbal Swedana with ozone 20 min.
Session 2 
- Abhyanga Massage 60 min.
- Shirodhara 30 min.
- Ayurvedic hair pack 20 min.
Session 3
- Abhyanga Massage 60 min.
- Tarpanam eye treatment 30 min.
- Udhwartanam and Lepanam
  (body scrub and wrap) 40 min. 
The toxins and free radicals produced by the body's constant metabolic activities can damage body cells resulting in the wear and tear of the body, otherwise known as Aging. The process of aging is further accelerated by improper lifestyle, modern food habits and prolonged stress and strain. The Rejuvenation treatment helps tone muscles, strengthen the system, invigorate the body and calm the mind. The medicated herbal oils used in this process improves complexion and imparts a glowing lustre to the skin. This package includes various Rejuvenation therapies, such as Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Ayurved Abhyangam, Rejuvenation Massage, Medicated Steambath, Njavarakizhi, Head massage, Face massage etc.


Price is based on individually curated treatment program after consultation with our Ayurveda expert Dr. Renuka Yadav

Minimum 5 Sessions

5 Days/7 Days: This treatment plan is devised after a  Consultation with our Ayurveda expert  and Understanding of what Dosha are aggravated and need to be flushed out. One Can undergo Nasya or Virechana in this period.Very effective for Headaches, Sinisitis,Migraine, blood related disorders,Hyperacidity, and other pitta related disorders.Inclusive of Poorvakarma,pradhankarma and diet recommendation.
As we age and live through the physical, mental and emotional challenges, the Physical body goes through wear and tear and the normal metabolic wastes keep getting accumulated in the systems. According to Ayurved these toxins need to be cleansed from the body on regular intervals to guarantee a disease free and Happy life. The Ways to eliminate toxins are from five routes. From mouth ( Vamana), from Small intestines ( Virechana) ,from Large Intestines ( Basti ) ,from Blood ( raktamokshana) and from Nose ( Nasyam) . Panchakarma can be administered to a healthy person who wants to stay healthy by getting rid of his toxins on regular intervals. He can chose to do Vaman ,Virechan and Basti at different Seasons in the Year or only do the Panchakarma required for his Dosha ( for example a Vata person should do Basti every year to prevent aggravation of vata and related disorders)  For a person suffering from Ailments , its mandatory to do a Panchakarma after proper consultation . Panchakarma is Preventive as well as restorative in Nature.


60 min. € 90
90 min. € 120

3 x 60 min. € 240
3 x 90 min. € 330

5 x 60 min. € 380
5 x 90 min. € 500

Marma is the conglomeration (meeting place) of the five elements of the body namely – Mamsa (muscles, flesh), Sira (blood vessels, arteries, and veins), Snayu (ligaments, tendons, and nerves), Asthi (bones) and Sandhi (joints). As a natural phenomenon, the Pranas (life element) are seated at these places of conglomeration. Therefore, any injury to these places leads to serious consequences depending on the structure or structures predominantly involved in the Marma.
During a Abhayanga these points are energised with strokes which helps cleansing them as well. This not only balances the energy forces but also calms the mind.


45 min. € 100
60 min. € 120
90 min. € 170

3 x 60 min. € 330
3 x 90 min. € 480

5 x 60 min. € 500
5 x 90 min. € 750

Potli means bundle, is a kind of Ayurvedic therapy in which a bundle ıs prepared wıth herbal powders and fresh herbs and applıed hot  over the patient’s body in rhythmic motion. This treatment is very effectıve for swellıngs aches and paıns. It also detoxıfıes the body   thus purifying and revitalizing the body, soul and mind. It is beneficial for treating arthritis, obesıty, osteoarthritis, injuries and others.


30 min. € 70
45 min. 100

3 x 30 min. € 180
3 x 45 min. € 260

5 x 30 min. € 300
5 x 45 min. € 420
Experience the ancient Ayurvedic ritual to rest and calm the mind with Shirodhara. A steady flow of warm oil onto the forehead stimulates the pituitary gland, or "third-eye."
"Shiro," means head, and "dhara" is the continuous flow of a liquid. In this process, warm herbal oils, milk or buttermilk, or decoctions are poured in a slow steady stream on your forehead. This treatment is profoundly relaxing, nourishing. It will improve your mental clarity and comprehension.

Benefits of Shirodhara
- Relieves stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia through natural serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin release
- Decreases hair loss and fatigue and makes one calm and refreshed
- Deeply relaxes mind and body
- Improves sleep patterns


60 min. € 90

3 x 60 min. € 240

5 x 60 min. € 380
A spine care procedure that covers your complete back. With Ayurvedic oils, The handwork is concentrated on the spine and the para spinal muscles, which are regularly strained due to working patterns and wrong posture. The Chakras are cleaned and rejuvenated with special healing strokes. Recommended if you have back pain or want to heal and strengthen your spine.


30 min. € 45

3 x 30 min. € 120

5 x 30 min. € 190

The “Champi” is a very popular head massage. With special mind relaxing herbs cooked in coconut oil, this massage entirely focuses on your head and shoulders. A combination of Marma healing with soothing massage calms your nerves completely and makes you feel fresh and full of life.
Head massage can be received fully clothed or it may easily be added to any massage / bodywork session.


30 min. € 45
60 min. € 90

3 x 30 min. € 120
3 x 60 min. € 240

5 x 30 min. € 190
5 x 60 min. € 380


Foot massage improves circulation, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain. It also stimulates the Marma points to release the blocked energies.
Foot massage can be received fully clothed (with only the shoes and socks removed) or it may easily be added to any massage / bodywork session.