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Keyf Wellness Club has 3 Turkish baths. We can serve 35 guests at the same time in these three baths. Peeling and foaming is included in the Hamam services. Our guests can choose coffee or salt peeling as an extra service. Coffee or salt peeling helps to give the skin a freshness like that of a newborn baby and to reduce bad odors caused by sweating by applying a mixture of aroma oils and dead-sea salt to the body after the dead skin is removed after the peeling.

20 min. € 20
30 min. € 30

Facial care deep cleaning

The face will be cleaned with a gel or milk, appropriate to the skin structure. By softening the skin with ozone vapor, the black spots are cleaned with ultrasonic peeling. The tonic tightens the skin pores and soothes the skin with high frequency. After applying a face mask suitable to the skin structure and calming for 5 minutes, a moisturizing cream will be massaged into the skin. The facial care program will be finished with sun protecting creme factor 50.
A 60-minute program is recommended for skin with severe acne and black spots.

Norel Dr. Willsz products are preferrably used for facial care. 

30 min. € 40
60 min. € 70

Facial care deep cleaning & Anti aging

The face will be cleaned with a gel or milk, appropriate to the skin structure. By softening the skin with ozone vapor, the black spots are cleaned with ultrasonic peeling. The tonic tightens the skin pores and soothes the skin with high frequency. After applying a mask durable for the skin structure and waiting for 5-10 minutes, vitamin E is supplied to the skin and using ANTI-AGING radio frequency hot-cold therapy and using the I-BEAUTY device. Phototherapy is then applied and a moisturizing cream suitable for the skin is massaged into the skin. The facial care program will be finished with sun protecting creme factor 50. A 90-minute program is recommended for skin with severe acne and black spots.

Norel Dr. Willsz products are preferrably used for facial care.
60 min. € 90
90 min. € 120


Hands are bathed in warm soapy water, fingernails are trimmed and filed, dead cuticles are removed and hands are massaged with moisturıng cream. Nail polishing is applied on request.

30 min. € 30


The footwell is sanded. Nails are trimmed and filed, dead cuticles removed and massaged with moisturizing foot care cream. Nail polish is applied upon request.

30 min. € 30


Relaxing 40° room with salt stones. Fine salt aerosols of the highest quality float in the room to cleanse the airways and revitalize the skin.
The application is recommended for hay fever, asthma, bronchitis or chronic lung diseases. The micro salt application is also recommended for people who often suffer from cold symptoms or who struggle with frontal sinus and sinus infections.

15 min. € 20


Mud bath is a treatment in which mud with various minerals is applied to the body, left for some time and finally showered with cold water. Mud helps with psoriasis and acne problems. Furthermore, it ensures the recovery of your skin and makes it velvety soft. For the hot springs of Agamemnon (Balçova), mentioned in the works of Strabo and in the Homeric epics, the following tale is told: The king of Mycenae, Agamemnon, chained his daughter, who became ill, to the hot springs of Balçova, thinking that the disease would not infect the army. The girl who was left to die recovered by drinking hot spring water and being covered in mud.

20 min. € 20


The most relaxing natural foot & leg peeling.

Garra Rufa fish, known as doctor fish, which was identified by the European biologist Heckel in 1843, has been one of the most used treatment methods in skin diseases and especially in the prevention of psoriasis. These fish, which vary in size from 3 cm to 8 cm, cleanse the skin from diseases by cleaning the dead skin residues in the body. In addition, the fish relaxes the body by creating a massage effect.

15 min. € 20

These fish, which are called "Kangal Fish" in Turkey, do not have teeth. For this reason, they do not cause any harm to the human body during treatment. It is a fact that the doctor fishes prevent eczema and foot odor by eating the dead skin during this treatment. Again, since the blood circulation accelerates during the massage, it is inevitable that it beautifies the skin. These fish, which appeared for the first time in Sivas, were used by the villagers in an amateur way by putting them into basins at the time. These creatures, which can live comfortably up to 37 degrees hot water, are known to have different characteristics than all other fish species. Garra Rufa fish are seen not only in our country, but also in Iran, Iraq, Syria and some far eastern countries. Chinchin fish, which is similar to Garra Rufa fish, is available in China. These fish are not used in treatment because when they become adults, their teeth come out, albeit small. Although there is no definite information, it is thought that these fish were taken illegally from our country to these regions.


- By increasing the skin and blood circulation,
  it provides skin renewal, tight and smooth appearance.
- Increases blood circulation to cells and tissues.
- It strengthens the immune system.
- cleans the veins.
- It cleans the blood and lymph system.

30 min. € 40

It provides healthy weight loss by losing about 400-650 calories in each session and by destroying the fat tissue. It makes the skin work like a third kidney or a second lung system. It increases resistance in infectious diseases by increasing the immune system and killing microbes with the effect of heat. By oxidizing the lactic acid accumulated in the muscles, it relaxes and softens the muscles and increases their flexibility. It heals joint pain and muscle ailments. It normalizes the production of hormones and enzymes. It provides a cleaner, softer and more rejuvenated skin. It strengthens brain functions and memory. It has a refreshing effect on depression and anxiety. It provides a general calmness by oxidizing adrenaline. It helps to relieve tension caused by depression. It makes you feel relaxed and relaxed from the very first session. After 10 sessions, he can see a noticeable increase in his energy level and how clearly he can think. The closer the sessions are held, the sooner the results are likely to be.


Detoxification foot baths, also known as foot detox, ionic cleansing, ionic foot bath and aqua/water detox are scientific devices as being able to remove toxins from the human body. They work by providing an electric current to an electrode array immersed in a salt water solution.

15 min. € 20
30 min. € 30


Fango is applied for connective tissue and muscle rheumatism, chronic rheumatic joint diseases, fibromyalgia, witch shot, ischialgia, back, shoulder and neck pain, spasms of smooth muscular organs, traumatic accounting ions and distortions, tendonitis, menstrual complaints, muscle hardening, muscle catering, neurodermitis and eczema.

30 min. € 40