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The massage (from French masser "to massage", originated between 1755 and 1771 from the Arabic (mas = "touch") serves to mechanically influence the skin, connective tissue and muscles through stretching, pulling and pressure stimuli. The effect of the Massage extends from the treated part of the body to the entire organism and also includes the psyche.
The targeted use of massage for healing most likely originated in East Africa and Asia (Egypt, China, Persia). The first mentions can be found in the Chinese Huáng Dì, who already lived in 2600 BC. Chr. describes massage techniques and gymnastic exercises. In connection with essential oils and herbs, there is also early evidence in Indian health and healing arts, Ayurveda. Massage (udvartana or mardanā) was also performed by Indian monks between the 15th and 17th centuries as part of the wrestling they practiced, primarily to eliminate disease-causing doschas. Massage finally made its way to Europe via the Greek physician Hippocrates (ca. 460–370 BC) and his medical school. Here she later played an essential role in the rehabilitation of gladiators in the Roman Empire. Hippocrates explored and deepened the secrets of massage and wrote down his findings and recommendations for use. The second important physician of antiquity, the Greek Galenos (129-199), also took on manual therapy and wrote countless treatises on the forms he designed and the diseases they were to be used for. Despite its influence, which extends well into the Middle Ages, European society later lost interest in massage and other preventive and therapeutic measures.
It was only towards the end of the Middle Ages, in the 16th century, that massage by the doctor and alchemist Paracelsus (1493-1541) became a topic of European medicine again. However, he resisted the teachings of Galenus, especially humoral pathology, and thus made many enemies among his colleagues. It took another doctor, the Frenchman Ambroise Paré (1510-1590), to establish massage in modern medicine. He used massage as a rehabilitation therapy after operations.







Full body classic massage

30 min. € 30
60 min. € 60
90 min. € 90

3 x 60 min. € 150
3 x 90 min. € 225

5 x 60 min. € 225
​5 x 90 min. € 350


The sports massage is an addition to the classic massage. Here you use the grips of the classic massage as well as other supplementary grips and address the needs of the athlete as well as the special problems in sports. Based on the fact that active athletes are more robust than possibly frail older people, the massage is carried out accordingly more vigorously and the body is thus prepared for imminent physical stress and the blood circulation is increased. Cramps that occur during sport can be treated with the stretching grips that are part of sports massage.

30 min. € 30
60 min. € 60
90 min. € 90


The Bali massage is a type of massage that incorporates influences from various Asian healing arts. The precise implementation of this massage was then developed in the Indonesian province of Bali and has meanwhile spread all over the world thanks to its effective effect. The Balinese massage is a full body massage in which strokes and kneading are performed with the palms and fingers. A wide variety of muscles are loosened, which leads to deep relaxation and increased well-being.

30 min. € 30
60 min. € 60
90 min. € 90

Special for couples (2 persons)
Massage in VIP BALI HOUSE with Jakuzi bath

60 min. € 150
90 min. € 200


The Thai massage consists of passive stretching positions and stretching movements taken from yoga, joint mobilization and pressure point massages. In simplified terms, it can therefore be summarized as a combination of (passive) yoga and acupressure.
Ten selected ""energy lines"", which according to traditional teaching should run through the body, are worked on with gentle stretching and rhythmic pressure from the balls of the hands, thumbs, knees, elbows and feet. The Thai massage takes place on a floor mat. It is characterized by its dynamic powerful aspect.

60 min. € 70
90 min. € 100


Shiatsu is a bodywork that originated in Japan. It integrates Japan’s traditional manual therapies such as acupuncture and anma, an old Japanese massage style, with western medical knowledge.
Healthcare professionals view shiatsu as a modified form of acupressure, a massage therapy that involves pressing specific points in the body to reduce tension and fatigue by improving blood and lymphatic circulation. Shiatsu has its roots in the concept of qi. In traditional Chinese medicine, qi is the vital life force that drives all life activity. It believes that health occurs when qi flows unobstructed. When it becomes deficient or blocked, symptoms such as body pain, headaches, and digestive issues arise.

60 min. € 70
90 min. € 100


Hawaiian 'Lomi Lomi' translates to 'rub rub' in Hawaiian, and reflects the broad, flowing strokes made with the therapist's fingers, thumbs, palms, arms and elbows. Macadamia, palm and coconut oils are usually used as moisturisers in Lomi Lomi massage, to keep the strokes smooth and to nourish the skin.
Many believe that the healing art of Lomi Lomi was brought to Hawaii by the earliest Polynesian settlers, while others believe that it is deeply infused with the practice of ‘living aloha’ - a carry-over from ancient Hawaii and the mystical land of Mu. The Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage can also be referred to as Kahuna bodywork.

60 min. € 70
90 min. € 100


Hot stone therapy is a type of massage using heated stones. The heat absorbed by the stones increases blood circulation and helps blood cells transfer more cells. At the end of the massage, the person feels the relief of muscle stiffness and pain. Regular use of stone therapy has positive effects on chronic diseases. It not only solves diagnosed problems but also stimulates physically, emotionally and mentally. With the high energy of the stones, the energy level is increased through meditation. Feel the energetic energy of volcanic basalt stones.

60 min. € 70
90 min. € 100


The therapeutic deep tissue massage is a classic medical massage in which significantly firmer massage movements - performed with the hands, palms or elbows - are used. In this way, not only the muscles but also the surrounding connective tissue are loosened. This is often ""glued"" and prevents the muscle from stretching completely. This in turn leads to blockages and pain. Our experienced therapists also loosen your deep tissue with various techniques such as stretching and trigger point therapy. The therapeutic deep tissue massage is an intensive massage, the firmer movements of which are perceived by the patient as liberating and soothing.

60 min. € 80
90 min. € 110

3 x 60 min. € 210
3 x 90 min. € 300

5 x 60 min. € 300
​5 x 90 min. € 450


Manual lymphatic drainage is used as a decongestion therapy and to reduce edema in the case of swelling in body tissue caused by fluid retention. By literally "moving" your lymphatic system, your self-healing powers are activated and the vegetative nervous system stimulated.
Manual lymphatic drainage has a pain-relieving effect and can contribute to the drainage, purification and detoxification of the body, so that existing edema subsides as a result. Performing the movements slowly and gently calms your nervous system and relaxes your body and mind.

60 min. € 80
90 min. € 110

3 x 60 min. € 210
​3 x 90 min. € 300

5 x 60 min. € 300
​5 x 90 min. € 450


Mechanical lymphatic drainage is a widely used massaging technique that corrects any congestion in the lymphatic system. Lymph drainage stimulates the removal of “waste substances” in the body by means of targeted massaging on the legs, arms and upper body.
For combating swelling and faster removal of destroyed fat cells. The massages are precisely performed by the pressure chambers and controlled via pre-programmed programmes. The purpose of lymphatic fluid is to transport nutrients and waste products from cell to cell. Furthermore, the lymphatic fluid transports bacteria to the lymph nodes, which is where the bacteria are removed. The circulatory system may be one of the body’s most important transport systems, but the lymphatic system is just as important a transport system, as it circulates up to 8 litres of lymphatic fluid. A machine-guided lymphatic drainage procedure can be used to correct any swelling by massaging both the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue. The air pressure chambers are used to carry out rhythmic massage movements and target pressure points. This stimulates the lymphatic vessels and thus supports the removal process. Depending on the severity of the swelling or injury, lymphatic drainage treatments may need to be performed on a regular basis in order to resolve the swelling in the long-term.

30 min. € 30


This massage consists of a combination of four techniques; which is very effective in relieving back pain, neck pain, hip and leg pain, muscle pain, tension, arthritis and rheumatic causes. It can be described as a combination of foot reflexology, back massage, hot stone massage and deep tissue massage.

60 min. € 90


With the honey treatment and manually vacuuming the lactic acids in your body will be removed. This massage consists of a combination of five techniques; It is very effective in relieving back pain, neck pain, hip and leg pain, muscle pain, tension, arthritis and rheumatic causes.
It can be defined as a combination of lymphatic drainage, foot reflexology, back massage, hot stone massage and deep tissue massage.

90 min. € 140


Whether you’re seeking pain relief or an escape from the stressors of modern life, a back massage may be an easy, non-invasive solution to relax your muscles and mind. A back massage involves a trained massage therapist applying pressure to the back in order to manipulate muscles and skin. The kneading movements provide pain relief to sore, tense and hurting muscles. For thousands of years, people have been practicing the art of massage therapy, believing it its holistic power to heal maladies like back pain. Back massages are gaining more and more traction as a solution to back pain in the medical world. Back massages are not only known to relieve lower back pain and release tension in the upper back, but they can also stimulate the release of endorphins or “feel good” chemicals to the body, increasing blood flow, improving sleep and helping the body’s natural healing process. Numerous studies have shown that getting regular back massages can improve the symptoms of mood disorders, and can reduce the level of stress hormones in the body. This can aid in the management of anxiety disorders and problems with depression.

30 min. € 30
60 min. € 60


A head massage may help relieve stress and reduce tension. It may also ease migraine or headache pain, lower blood pressure, improve circulation to your head and neck, and promote hair growth.

30 min. € 30
60 min. € 60


From the reflex zones, stimulating and calming impulses are transmitted via nerves and energy pathways to the associated organs, joints, etc. through pressure. Like a map, the feet reveal any weak points in the organism to the therapist! Blockages can be eliminated, tension relieved and the entire organism energized with special grips.

30 min. € 30
60 min. € 60